What to Expect During a Dermabrasion Treatment

What to Expect During a Dermabrasion Treatment | Tondue Medical Spa

For those seeking smooth and youthful skin, Tondue Medical Spa in Bay City, MI, offers dermabrasion, a premier skin treatment designed to reveal your skin’s full potential. Dermabrasion can help you achieve glowing, youthful skin. Here, we provide a clear and detailed guide on what this transformative process entails, ensuring you are well-informed and prepared for the rejuvenation journey ahead. 

What Is Dermabrasion?

Dermabrasion is a cosmetic treatment that involves the mechanical removal of the outer layers of the skin using a rotating device equipped with an abrasive surface, such as a wire brush or diamond wheel. This process is designed to smooth out the skin’s surface, reducing the appearance of scars, fine lines, wrinkles, and other skin imperfections. Dermabrasion is commonly used to treat acne scars, age spots, sun-damaged skin, and uneven skin texture.

Dermabrasion offers many benefits for those looking to enhance their skin’s health and appearance. Additionally, it prepares the skin to absorb skincare products better, maximizing the effectiveness of your skincare regimen. Dermabrasion is ideal for various skin types. It is a versatile solution tailored to individual skin concerns, making it essential to achieving and maintaining flawless skin.

What Should You Expect During the Treatment Process?

At Tondue Medical Spa, we’ve refined this process to ensure it is effective, comfortable, and safe for our patients. Let’s delve deeper into what this entails, emphasizing the sophistication and precision involved in dermabrasion.


During the initial consultation, your dermatologist or plastic surgeon will evaluate your skin’s condition and discuss your cosmetic goals. They will determine if dermabrasion is the appropriate treatment for your skin concerns. Factors such as skin type, color, and medical history will be considered to ensure you’re a suitable candidate. This is also the time to discuss potential risks and set realistic expectations for the results.


In preparation for the treatment, you may be advised to:

  • Avoid sun exposure, as tanning can increase the risk of complications
  • Stop smoking, as it can impede the healing process
  • Discontinue certain medications or supplements that can affect blood clotting or interact with anesthesia
  • Use pre-treatment creams or medications to prepare your skin, especially if you have a history of cold sores or other skin conditions

The Treatment

During dermabrasion the skin is thoroughly cleaned to prevent infection, and the rotating instrument is carefully passed over the skin to remove the outer layers. The depth of abrasion is controlled based on the severity of the skin issues being treated. The treatment can take anywhere from a few minutes to an hour or more, depending on the size of the treatment area.


Post-treatment care is crucial for a successful recovery. You’ll likely experience redness, swelling, and discomfort in the treated area. Your doctor may prescribe pain medication to manage any pain. You will need to clean the treated area regularly and apply protective ointments or dressings as instructed. 

Avoid direct sunlight and use a high-SPF sunscreen to protect the healing skin. Follow your doctor’s instructions regarding when you can return to your normal activities, which can vary depending on the extent of the treatment.


You should notice a smoother, more even-textured appearance as your skin heals. However, the full results can take several months to be visible. While dermabrasion can significantly improve the appearance of your skin, it’s important to have realistic expectations and understand that it may not completely remove all scars or wrinkles.

DiamondGlow: Our Choice for Dermabrasion

At Tondue Medical Spa, we are committed to offering our patients treatments and transformative skin experiences. With this commitment in mind, we have chosen DiamondGlow as our preferred method for dermabrasion. This advanced dermabrasion technology stands out for its precision, effectiveness, and ability to deliver immediate and lasting results. 

How Does DiamondGlow Work?

Unlike traditional dermabrasion methods that rely on crystal or mechanical exfoliation, DiamondGlow utilizes a diamond-tipped wand to remove dead skin cells, debris, and impurities from the skin’s surface gently yet effectively. This innovative approach allows for a more controlled and uniform treatment, minimizing the risk of irritation and promoting a smoother, more radiant complexion. What sets DiamondGlow apart is its three-pronged approach to skin rejuvenation:

  • Exfoliation: The diamond tip provides precise exfoliation, removing the outermost layer of dead skin cells to reveal the fresh, vibrant skin underneath.
  • Extraction: Simultaneously, a high-powered vacuum suctions away dirt and debris from the pores, providing a deep cleansing effect that’s hard to achieve through traditional methods.
  • Infusion: In the final step, the skin is infused with a serum tailored to your specific skin concerns. This ensures that the freshly exfoliated skin absorbs the maximum amount of beneficial nutrients, providing immediate and noticeable skin texture and hydration improvements.

Discover Dermabrasion’s Transformative Power at Tondue Medical Spa in Bay City, MI

As you navigate the path to improved skin health, dermabrasion can be a key element in your skincare routine. Dermabrasion is designed to be a comprehensive treatment, addressing a range of skin concerns to achieve a smoother, more refined skin texture. Tondue Medical Spa in Bay City, MI, welcomes you to arrange a consultation and discover the transformative effects of dermabrasion on your skin’s appearance. It’s an opportunity to bring out your skin’s inherent glow and step toward a more radiant version of yourself.

We encourage you to reach out and initiate the journey with us. By contacting us online or calling (989) 598-8001, you can schedule a time to discuss how dermabrasion can be tailored to your specific skincare needs. Let us guide you through unveiling a brighter, more youthful complexion with our care.

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