We are excited to welcome you to Tondue Medical Spa and thrilled you chose our experienced and dedicated team for your consultation and treatment.
Medical History
The first step at your appointment is to fill out a medical history form. This form is important to let us know what medications, allergies, and previous medical diagnosis you have, especially any history with neurological or autoimmune disorders. As we use medications to help you realize your aesthetic goals, your safety is always our top priority.

Creation of Your Treatment Plan
The next step is to create your customized treatment plan. As everyone has a different facial structure and objective, every patient receives their personalized plan based on their own unique goals.
We start by discussing your aesthetic goals and review the possible treatments, including Botox, Dermal Fillers, Chemical Peels, and more, to help you achieve beautification of the face and jaw.
The next step is to take photos of your face. Before photos are imperative so we can identify the facial structure, including any concave or convex areas, to determine the skin integrity, and to capture animations of expression.
The result is an extensive and comprehensive treatment plan geared for your personalized total facial rejuvenation. While some patient’s aesthetic goals are achieved in one appointment, many require multiple steps to realize the full goal.
Finally, we take after photos. These after photos are important so we can see the results immediately following the treatment you received, as well as for future reference.

Your treatment specialist will go over the details of your post procedure care to make sure you are comfortable and understand the after care instructions specific to the treatment you received.
The final step is to schedule you for a follow up appointment. We always want to see you back in office once the treatments have had time to settle into your face to make any necessary adjustments or perform follow up treatments.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at [email protected] or call either of our locations:
989-598-8001 (Bay City) or 248-720-5816 (Rochester).

If you’d like more information about Prepare For Your First Visit, contact us today. Complete our digital contact form or call our location nearest to you. We look forward to meeting you and demonstrating how Tondue Medical Spa can help you meet your aesthetic goals.
Team Tondue can’t wait to meet you!
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Healthy, beautiful skin requires commitment, and the products and services offered at Tondue Medical Spa can help with many of your skincare goals and concerns.
Get in touch with us
If you’d like more information about our treatments, complete our digital contact form or call our location nearest to you.
We look forward to meeting you and demonstrating how Tondue Medical Spa can help you meet your aesthetic goals.